Discovery Cove dolphin Cindy Delivers a Marriage Proposal

SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment® , Discovery Cove® Tickets , Orlando , Fun Stuff
Discovery Cove dolphin Cindy Delivers a Marriage Proposal
Not one, but two dreams come true for Sarah Jane Haden at Discovery Cove
Sarah Jane Haden shares with Attraction Tickets Direct her dolphin swim at the SeaWorld Park Discovery Cove in Florida that not only changed her life, but made her dreams come true...
Ben Reeves, fiancé of Sarah Jane, planned a dolphin swim for Sarah Jane that would literally change both their lives. Ben had planned an extra special Discovery Cove visit where Sarah-Jane would not only fulfil her dream of swimming with dolphins, but where he'd get down on one knee and propose to her. With the help of and our sister company Complete Orlando, Sarah Jane and Ben were able to book their  entire Orlando holiday, including flights, accommodation and Discovery tickets and, secretly, Ben was able to have our Orlando experts liase with the staff at Discovery Cove to plan the ultimate marriage proposal.
We’re delighted to have Sarah Jane share this amazing story with our ATD readers…
Ben and I were both feeling a little bit nervous on the lead up to our dolphin swim, as neither of us had ever swam with dolphins before. However our nerves quickly subsided when we arrived at Discovery Cove and saw just how special this park was. We checked in and got shown to our very own private Cabana that overlooked the most magical view of the dolphins happily playing together. It was an amazing Cabana, with a paradise like setting – I couldn’t have dreamed of anything more special.
Before our dolphin swim began we watched a video to familiarise ourselves with Discovery Cove’s dolphins, we then entered the waters to meet our dolphin, whose name was Cindy. We had a great time with our new friend, playing and swimming with her and taking photos. However, when our swim with Cindy came to an end the Discovery Cove staff asked Ben and I to stay in the pool as our photos weren’t clear enough.
I was happy to continue playing with Cindy. Our trainer said she thought I looked a little nervous and would show me a game with a toy that I could play with the dolphin to ease my nerves. The trainer explained that the dolphin was going to bring a toy over to me and showed me how to take it from her when she arrived.  I was completely speechless when Cindy swam over to me with a toy in her mouth that read, ‘Will you marry me Sarah Jane?’ Overwhelmed by the proposal and the whole dolphin swim experience I managed to say, ‘Yes!’
I left the waters totally overcome with emotion, only to realise there was still more to come. Ben was bended on one knee holding a treasure chest open to reveal a ring set inside it.  He said those magical words and naturally I said, ‘Of course.’ 

Ben responded, ‘Well I did think it was about time.'

We spent the day in Discovery Cove feeling very special, receiving congratulations from all the members of staff we encountered throughout our visit. We were the only marriage proposal in Discovery Cove that day, which made our already perfect day extraordinary. 

Both Ben and I are really thankful to Complete Orlando, Attraction Tickets Direct and Discovery Cove for all their help with making our dream come true.

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SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment® , Discovery Cove® Tickets , Orlando , Fun Stuff