The Dragon Has Officially Landed on Universal Studios' Gringotts Bank!

Universal Orlando Resort Tickets , Orlando , Universal Studios Florida , New Attractions
The Dragon Has Officially Landed on Universal Studios' Gringotts Bank!
Universal starts to put final touches on Universal Studios' Diagon - Alley expansion!
The infamous Ukranian Ironbelly dragon has arrived at Universal Studios Diagon Alley and now sits atop of Gringotts Bank in its rightful place. With the fire breathing dragon comes a whole host of new details and final touches readying Universal Studios' Harry Potter Diagon Alley for its grand launch!

Wizarding details at Universal Orlando's Wizarding World of Harry Potter expansion are being spotted all about the new themed area, leading us to believe that the official launch of this major new expansion at Universal Studios Florida is a matter of weeks away! Two weeks ago Universal Studios released a new teaser trailer unveiling details on the new Harry Potter and the  Escape from Gringotts attraction, a week after that Universal sent out invitations for a Wizarding World of Harry Potter Diagon Alley preview event.

The Ironbelly dragon

Ironbelly Dragon Universal Orlando Gringotts Bank

This week Universal guests and theme park blogger Ricky Brigante at Inside the Magic have been privy to all kinds of wizarding sights and developments taking place at Universal Studios. Admittedly, spotting this giant dragon suspended in the air above Universal Orlando Resort, before landing on the bank it will guard, was a pretty impressive sight. However, many other spellbinding happenings have occurred...

Ironbelly Dragon arriving at Universal Orlando

The Hogwarts Express has been seen departing from London Kings Cross Platform 9 ¾ , Hogsmeade bound.

Hogwarts Express at Universal Studios

An animatronic house elf named Kreacher, belonging to Sirius Black, can be seen peeping out of one of the windows of Grimmauld Place.

Grimmauld Place - Universal Studios

Grimmauld Place

Piccadilly's Eros Fountain has now found a home at Universal Studios London embankment alongside the Knight Bus.

Eros Fountain at Universal Studios

Eros Fountain and the Knight Bus at Diagon Alley Universal StudiosThe roof tops of  Crackitt Market have appeared behind the London waterfront. And street names now appear in their respective locations.

Crackitt Market - Universal Studios Diagon - Alley

Grimmauld Place

Grimmauld Place

Charing Cross Road Universal Studios Diagon AlleyLondon at Universal Studios embankment

The details don't stop there...

Over at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter Hogsmeade prepares itself for the arrival and departure of the Hogwarts Express. Walls have been put up to conceal the work taking place.

Hogsmeade - Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Honeydukes expands, taking residence in Hogsmeade's Zonko's joke shop. Zonko's merchandise will become part of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes in Diagon Alley and Honeydukes will receive its own shop signage. 

Zonko's at Universal Orlando

And last but by no means least, this strange cauldron has appeared above one of Zonko's windows. The cauldron lifts and lowers itself, emerging from behind and within the cauldron are two wizarding looking characters.

Cauldron at Universal Orlando

Cauldron at Universal Orlando

Cauldron at Universal Orlando

Indeed, great things are on the way to Universal Orlando this year and we have no doubt that all of this extra wizardry will literally blow Potter fans away! 

Although Universal haven't announced an official launch date just yet, we have good reason to believe that Universal Studios Diagon Alley will open on the 20th or 21st June - the final day of the Diagon Alley preview event.

So, if you're headed to Orlando this summer be sure to purchase your Universal tickets. You won't want to miss the chance of experiencing the only attraction in Orlando the entire world has been waiting for!

Keep checking back at Attraction Tickets Direct for more news on all things theme parks, attractions and Orlando.


Universal Orlando Resort Tickets , Orlando , Universal Studios Florida , New Attractions