THE RIDE is an exciting original New York tour concept which makes the city a stage as you cruise around in a specially converted luxury tour bus. The buses are state-of-the-art, custom designed vehicles which allow guests to sit sideways and overlook the sights of New York and its residents from an incredible vantage point. No craning your neck to see the sights here!
The buses’ custom built spec also allows THE RIDE to feature all your favourite songs and light shows from the films and shows the city is famous for, making for a fully interactive experience! Bop along to your favourite show tunes as you cruise the streets of New York in style.
As you drive past some of New York’s iconic sights, actors, dancers and singers come out of the woodwork and into the spotlight to perform a private show just for THE RIDE guests. Whether it’s a romantic ballet performance, on a fountain, a stourist breaking into song or a break dancing Santa (seasonal), there’s something for everyone throughout.
Each tour is hosted by talented improv comedians which have been hand-picked for the job from comedy clubs all over New York – so you know you’re in for a fun trip! Come rain, come shine, come infamous New York traffic, these guys are guaranteed to keep you entertained and informed no matter what happens along the way.
And if you really want to get the full flavour of what the experience is like, watch the video below and see new York come to life!
New York is the perfect place to try something different and combine a tour with the great entertainment which characterizes this city. We're so happy to offer this new experience on Attraction Tickets Direct - a truly unique way to explore the city from just £45pp!