Would You Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?

Seasonal Events , Fun Stuff
Would You Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?
QUIZ: See if you would survive a zombie apocalypse.
To celebrate the opening of the new Walking Dead attraction at Universal Studios Hollywood we’ve created a quiz. Would you survive a zombie apocalypse?

Death is everywhere in a zombie apocalypse and soon it will be coming to Universal Studios Hollywood as we countdown to a brand new attraction based on The Walking Dead.

To celebrate the success of the American horror drama The Walking Dead, which has become the most watched cable TV show ever, Universal Studios Hollywood is opening a new attraction dedicated to the show.

This got us thinking about how we would fare if a zombie apocalypse ravaged the world today, and if you have tickets to Universal Studios Hollywood then you have an extra reason to get prepared. Are you ready for the new Walking Dead Attraction, which comes to life on 4th July?

Take the below quiz to see whether you would survive for just one day, four months, a year or would survive until the end of the apocalypse, and then read on to see what tactics you should use according to the experts.

Will you survive a zombie apocalypse?

Surviving a zombie outbreak is no easy task as you have to think about where to go, who to go with, what food to collect and so on. Take our below quiz to find out how you would get on if a zombie apocalypse happened right now.



Survival Tips

If you didn’t make it for long, or even if you did a Rick Grimes and survived until the end, read on to see what tips the experts recommend for surviving a zombie apocalypse.

Gather together survivalist gear

Jason Nagy from Zombies and Toys, who sell zombie collectibles and toys and blog about anything zombie related, said, “Most zombie apocalypse survival enthusiasts have done their homework and followed the advice of the CDC when preparing their bug out bag.

“You will no doubt have a bladed weapon, water purifier, and other survivalist gear at the ready.  Field guides to assist with building shelter and identifying edible plants will be a must, and don't forget that your flashlight is useless without extra batteries. Climbing to the second floor and destroying the staircase can assure you some rest.”

Don’t befriend zombies

Mr Nagy said that befriending zombies is generally a bad idea. He added, “With any luck, apocalypse survivors have seen some television and can avoid some common pitfalls of survival.

“Communicating with zombies is generally a bad idea. So is feeding them, keeping them as pets, or using them as entertainment. It would be unusual to witness any of these conclude with a positive outcome. Finally, never try to hug a zombie. There always seems to be at least one person who would like a hug from their dead loved one.”




Head to sparsely populated areas

The Cornell University conducted a study into what would happen if a zombie outbreak occurred in the USA and what tactics its 300 million population would do.

Alex Alemi, who was part of the Cornell University team that conducted the research in 2015, said, “Given the dynamics of the disease, once the zombies invade more sparsely populated areas, the whole outbreak slows down—there are fewer humans to bite, so you start creating zombies at a slower rate.”

Therefore it is recommended that survivors head for nearby mountains should a zombie outbreak happen. If you haven’t got any mountains handy, head for remote, rural locations.


Sparsely populated areas


Stock up on supplies

In an article on the Metro, America’s Centres of Disease Control explain that zombie apocalypses are like any other pandemics and that waiting out for a period with a big stock of supplies is a highly recommended strategy to follow.

Learning first aid

An article on Life Hacker says learning first aid is a necessity when surviving a zombie apocalypse. It is highly unlikely that a first aid kit will be lying around and therefore knowing other first aid tricks will help you battle through the apocalypse.

Life Hacker gives the example of cayenne pepper being able to stop bleeding in large cuts and tree fungus being great for emergency bandages.

First aid will not help someone that has been bitten by a zombie, but it could save someone’s life and help those who have suffered a normal injury.

Stay in open spaces and be aware of humans

The Zombie Site recommends heading to open spaces and being aware of other groups of survivors.

They said, “Real zombies shuffle, so you don't need to be fit to outrun them, just stay in open areas and don't get boxed in....humans however are different, and probably more dangerous, especially if a number of days have passed since the zombie apocalypse and society has totally broken down.”

What the zombie films have taught us

The Zombie Site also says that a lot can be learnt from zombie films and that when it comes to survival strategies the following will put you in good stead.

·         If you are in the 1940s or 50s then your zombie outbreak is probably caused by voodoo or some magic - there is usually a single person responsible – find them and destroy them and you will be safe.

·         If you are in the 70s or 80s then there is a good chance that the outbreak is worldwide, the army will be basically a gang that is not to be trusted and you may find sanctuary on a tropical island (unless it is called Matool.....if it is called Matool then avoid it)

·         If you are in the 90s or 00s then there is a high chance that the zombies will be formidable sprinters, so you better be fit, or at least not the slowest in your group.

Find somewhere safe and dependable

The Last Survivors, a UK-based attraction, says get to somewhere safe and defendable.

Their attraction, which is set in an actual ex-Government Nuclear bunker, is the perfect location to live out the zombie Apocalypse in relative safety. Hidden underground in the Essex countryside, there is only one main entrance and each door weighs as much as a car.

There is sleeping accommodation for over 200 people, an infirmary, generators and a cafe. There are even cameras to the outside world so you can see who is knocking before you open the door.

Why not test your zombie survival skills by visiting The Walking Dead attraction at Universal Studios Hollywood? You can get a glimpse of the harrowing attraction below.

Image Credit: Daniel Hollister (flickr.com)

To buy tickets to Universal Studios Hollywood and experience this all-new and terrifying attractions, head to our Universal Studio Hollywood ticket pages for a range of great ticket deals.

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Seasonal Events , Fun Stuff